A couple of days ago, I posted a review of this USB microscope, in which I mistakenly believed I had been supplied a device only capable of 0.3 megapixel image capture - it turns out I was wrong - driver weirdness or something was the reason, but this microscope is indeed capable of native 2 megapixel image capture without interpolation, so I am now happy to commend it on that basis.
The stand still leaves a little to be desired, but the sensor and optics are good for a device at this pricepoint.
Here's a link to the product reviewed in this video:
The stand still leaves a little to be desired, but the sensor and optics are good for a device at this pricepoint.
Here's a link to the product reviewed in this video:
Unboxing And Review Of 2Mp Sensor USB Microscope | |
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Science & Technology | Upload TimePublished on 1 Aug 2017 |
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